






handprayingGabkul Foundation has focused on bringing help to those in need physically, mentally and spiritually.  Because we work exclusively with local churches and ministries,  each distribution and contribution provides  opportunities to reach out and touch the spirit and soul of those in need. We would also like to work with international congregation like yours.
By partnering with Gabkul Foundation, your church ministry can help improve the precious lives of thousands of orphans, vulnerable children, men and women throughout the Democratic Republic of Congo.
"Learn to do good; seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead for the widow"(Isaiah 1:17).


  • Introduce Gabkul Foundation to your Church, and schedule a visit with one of our representatives to speak during a special worship service.

  • Encourage the church members to pray for restoration and peace in Congo; and also fast if necessary to support and help Congolese parents develop the faith of their children. (Isaiah 58:7-11).

  • Your church can help raise awareness about Gabkul Foundation's work and provide hope for vulnerable people of Congo.
  • Collect special offerings to support our projects, or have a yearly commitment to a designated project of your choice.

  • Contributions from your church family during the two holidays season; Thanksgiving and Christmas, to bless many Congolese children and families. "Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me" (Matthew 25:40b).

  • Encourage members of your church, ladies' or men's groups, youth group to experience the life-changing adventure of a short-term mission trip to one of our project locations in Congo.

churchWe value your interest in our work and welcome your resources, time and talents to meet the basic needs of the most vulnerable people in Congo. At this present time, your church can become God's agent to answer the cry of those who pray.

Please click here to contact us and get involved today.
One of our representatives will contact you as soon as possible to discuss your ideas. If you are considering a fundraising event or would like to make a donation, remember that every amount, no matter how little, helps!